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By Jeff, on August 9th, 2010 Hi everyone!
It was a dark and rainy afternoon, but the updated “Celebrate a Dream Come True” parade still was able to continue in an abbreviated form. Roy O Disney and Minnie Mouse (below, left) sit in front of a fierce looking cloud. The parade (below, right), was in “rain parade” mode, meaning that fewer floats were present and some characters walked ahead of the parade.

Continue reading Magic Kingdom Update: Celebrate A Dream Come True Parade Updated with Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen plus Rain Parade, Peoplemover, Fantasyland and More – Photos and Video
By admin, on October 5th, 2009 Hi everyone!
We have video that includes the new PeopleMover spiel, courtesy of There are many differences with the new wording, including the removal of “Paging Mr. Morrow“. Also, instead of mentioning “The City of Tomorrow“, the Epcot model is referred to as Progress City (below, left). The PeopleMover does go through Space Mountain, which is now testing (below, right).

Continue reading Tomorrowland Update: Space Mountain Testing plus New PeopleMover Spiel – Photos and Video
By admin, on September 23rd, 2009 Hi everyone!
While I was at the D23 Expo in California, the Tomorrowland Transit Authority (Wedway People Mover) re-opened in Florida. It has allowed for some better looks at the construction area that includes the front of Space Mountain and the former Skyway station (below, left). Inside of Space Mountain, a sign is up announcing the upcoming re-launching of the ride in winter of 2009 (below, right).

Continue reading Walt Disney World Update including the Tomorrowland Transit Authority – Photos and Video
By admin, on April 21st, 2009 Hi everyone!
Today we have some photos of the recently closed (April 19th) Space Mountain and Tomorrowland Transit Authority attractions. Space Mountain has been in need of a overhaul for years. I will miss the bumpy but classic ride.

Continue reading Last Look: Space Mountain, Closed For Rehab Plus Latest Tomorrowland Photos – Bonus Space Mountain Video
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