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By Jeff, on May 30th, 2010 Hi everyone!
Star Wars Weekends was another hit this week, and C-3PO has been the biggest draw of all! (below, left and right). Crowds have followed him anytime he’s left his meet-and-greet spot, and lines have been long today to meet him. He was in the Celebrity Welcome as well (below, left), standing next to Tom Kane.

Continue reading Interactive Talking C-3PO Thrills Guests At Star Wars Weekends, Weekend 2 Recap – Photos and Video
By Jeff, on May 29th, 2010 Hi everyone!
We were very surprised yesterday at Star Wars Weekends to see an interactive talking C3PO in the park! While waiting for the Hyperspace Hoopla, we heard the crowd get a little louder – we turned around, and C3PO was walking by (below left and right). He is fully interactive, in the way that the Mickey Mouse was in a test at Disneyland.

Continue reading Star Wars Weekends, Week 2: Interactive Talking C-3PO, Guests: Matthew Wood, Lorne Peterson and Tom Kane – Photos and Video
By Jeff, on May 26th, 2010 Hi everyone!
Fantasyland has been undergoing quite a few changes, including the wall being moved to allow for better guest flow through the area. Scuttles Landing is now gone as is it’s canopy – but the tables and chairs remain (below left and right).
Continue reading Magic Kingdom Fantasyland Forest Construction Update, Downtown Disney Former McDonalds / New Pollo Campero – Photos and Video
By Jeff, on May 26th, 2010 Hi everyone!
As of June 1, Cinderella’s Golden Carrousel will experience a name change. The ride will soon be known as the Prince Charming Regal Carrousel.
Disney has announced the change on their website and added a bit of a back story to the name change. The story tells of Prince Charming building a training device for him to practice his jousting skills. The villagers were so awed by the device that Prince Charming decided to have one built near the castle so that the villagers could have the chance to practice their skills as well.
The carrousel has a real history behind it as well. The ride was saved from Olympic Park, an abandoned amusement park in New Jersey, and Disney restore the 1917 carousel to new condition.
For complete details please click HERE.
By Jeff, on May 24th, 2010 Hi everyone!
This is my second Star Wars Weekends update (read about opening day here), I really enjoyed Sunday even more than Friday – the actors and characters seemed a lot more loose and relaxed. We were able to get there early enough to see the Stormtroopers at the entrance (below, left). The Friday “Legends of the Force” Motorcade had featured the new R2-MK astromech, but that was a one-time event for 2010. Jedi Mickey led the parade as always (below, right).

Continue reading Star Wars Weekends 2010 at Disney’s Hollywood Studios: Weekend #1 Recap Plus Toy Story Midway Mania Update – Photos and Video
By Jeff, on May 22nd, 2010 Hi everyone!
Star Wars Weekends is now in full swing and I was there for opening day! One of the special things from yesterday was that the new R2-MK astromech (below left and right) was in the Legends of the Force Motorcade (I was told by some members of the media that it was a one-off for him being in the parade).

Continue reading Star Wars Weekends 2010 at Disney’s Hollywood Studios: Opening Day First Including Hyperspace Hoopla – Photos and Video
By Jeff, on May 21st, 2010 Hi everyone!
So much is happening around property now (but isn’t that the way it always is?), Star Wars Weekends (below, left and right) is about to kick off it’s first weekend!

Continue reading Disney’s Hollywood Studios, Star Wars Weekends Preview, D-Street and Epcot Changes – Photos and Video
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