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First Look: Onboard The Characters In Flight Balloon Experience At Downtown Disney – Photos & Exclusive Video

Hi everyone!

Today, Denise from site partner MouseSteps finally made it onto the new Downtown Disney balloon experience Characters In Flight! Enjoy a full report on her two flights with photos and exclusive video.

Characters In Flight Balloon Experience – Onboard Photos – 4/15/09:

Characters In Flight (operated by Aerophile) is a tethered helium-filled balloon that takes guests 400 feet above Downtown Disney. The ticket counter (below right) is where you can purchase your ticket immediately before entering the final queue for your flight.

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Continue reading First Look: Onboard The Characters In Flight Balloon Experience At Downtown Disney – Photos & Exclusive Video

Downtown Disney Balloon Experience "Characters In Flight" Extensive Photo & Video Coverage Plus The Disneyland Paris Original

Hi everyone!

Today the new balloon experience at Downtown Disney began testing and Denise from partner site MouseSteps was there! Below is extensive photo & video coverage of “Characters In Flight”!

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Continue reading Downtown Disney Balloon Experience "Characters In Flight" Extensive Photo & Video Coverage Plus The Disneyland Paris Original

Photo Update: Pleasure Island – "Characters In Flight", "Street Foods of the Americas", Contemporary Resort

Hi everyone!

I have recently released Volume 1 in a series of Walt Disney World Parade DVDs. The first volume is called Magic Kingdom Parade Classics (if you enjoyed past parades like “Mickey Mania” and the “Remember the Magic Parade”, then check below for more details or to order!)

Here are some more photos from around Walt Disney World, taken by Denise at Mousesteps!  She is still experiencing site update problems and wanted to get these great timely shots posted. Below are her photos and words:


(Above) A sign  for the “Characters in Flight” balloon attraction at Downtown Disney.   I was able to see the Disneyland Paris version in person  a couple of years back.


For some interesting history of the Disneyland Paris version of the upcoming attraction, please click HERE.

Continue reading Photo Update: Pleasure Island – "Characters In Flight", "Street Foods of the Americas", Contemporary Resort